Gatling Simulation from Scratch – Load Injection Pattern (Part 4 of 4)

The definition of the injection profile of users is done with the inject method. This method takes as argument a sequence of injection steps that will be processed sequentially. A simulation can contain only one setUp [/code] method, the setUp method can have multiple inject profiles in it.The definition of the injection profile of users is done with the inject method. This method takes as argument a sequence of injection steps that will be processed sequentially. A simulation can contain only one setUp [/code] method, the setUp method can have multiple inject profiles in it

Gatling Simulation from Scratch – Define Scenario (Part 3 of 4)

Define scenario A scenario can be defined as a Scala variable or Scala function. The following scenario is defined as a Scala function which takes a step, pacing, and duration as arguments.

Gatling Simulation from Scratch – Feeders and HTTP Requests (Part 2 of 4)

If you arrived at this page directly, please go through this post first. It explains some basics, how to define HTTP protocol configurations and headers which will be used while building the test scenario along with the feeders and HTTP requests described in this post. Step 3: Define Feeders Feeders resemble parameter files in Loadrunner … Continue reading Gatling Simulation from Scratch – Feeders and HTTP Requests (Part 2 of 4)

Load Testing Using Gatling – Gatling Simulation from Scratch (Part 1 of 4)

I had an opportunity to use Gatling for load testing in one of my recent projects. My learning curve for this tool was very steep and I found it very elegant, highly capable and easy to use. So thought I'll share my learnings with everyone. Gatling is an open-source load testing framework based on Scala, … Continue reading Load Testing Using Gatling – Gatling Simulation from Scratch (Part 1 of 4)

Perfmon: Create a Template From an Existing Data Collector Set

Click here to know how to create perfmon data collector set manually Now lets see how to create a data collector set from a template. Do do this, first we need to create a template from the data collector set that we created in Step 1. Launch Perfmon. Expand Performance tree down to your data collector set, right … Continue reading Perfmon: Create a Template From an Existing Data Collector Set

Perfmon: Schedule Perfmon to Start/Stop at Specified Time

Click here to know how to setup perfmon data collector sets manually and via templates How to start perfmon monitoring? Simple. Launch Perfmon, right click on the data collector set under User Defined and select Start. Or you can schedule it to start at a specified time. To do this, Right click on the data collector … Continue reading Perfmon: Schedule Perfmon to Start/Stop at Specified Time

Perfmon: Create Perfmon Data Collector Set Using an Existing Template

Click here to know how to Create a template from an existing data collector set Launch Perfmon. Expand Performance tree down to User Defined, Right click on it, select New-> Data Collector Set. In the Create New dialog, name the data collector set, select Create from a template (Recommended) and click Next. Select System Performance as … Continue reading Perfmon: Create Perfmon Data Collector Set Using an Existing Template

Perfmon: Create Perfmon Data Collector Set Manually

First you should read this. You can access performance monitor by doing any of the following typing 'perfmon' in command prompt Go to Start -> Run and type perfmon selecting the Performance or Reliability and Performance Monitor (in Windows Vista® and Windows Server® 2008) from the Administrative Tools menu Expand Performance tree on the left hand … Continue reading Perfmon: Create Perfmon Data Collector Set Manually

Modify Common Parameters in Multiple Scripts Using Additional Attributes

Problem statement: Your performance regression scenario contains 20 different Loadrunner scripts. You run this scenario a number of times in a given release.For simplicity, let’s assume that all scripts are developed using web services protocol. There may or may not be any changes to the scripts but version of the service endpoint changes a lot … Continue reading Modify Common Parameters in Multiple Scripts Using Additional Attributes

Guide to set up Performance Monitoring using PerfMon on Windows Servers

When you don't have any external performance and application monitoring tool for windows, perfmon is your best bet. This guide contains the steps/instructions to setup performance monitors a.k.a. perfmon data collector sets and it applies to windows XP, windows 2003 server, windows 2008 servers, Windows 7, Windows Server 2012 andWindows Vista. If you are using any other windows version, the process should … Continue reading Guide to set up Performance Monitoring using PerfMon on Windows Servers